Common Mistakes Couples Make When Planning A Red Wedding

By Cleo Clayton

Red wedding dresses may be a well known Chinese tradition, but they are coming into top fashion everywhere else in the world as well. While many brides are bored with the traditional white gown and even more boring pale pink accents, bright bold colors are starting to look more appealing. That is, they look rather appealing as long as they are done correctly.

It is often assumed that you can plan a red wedding just as you would a pink or ivory wedding, but this is simply not true. For the most part it is the same, but since red is so bold and can easily become overdone, there are some special considerations with this color.

Overdoing it is one of the biggest tragedies a bride can face, so listen up if you are planning to walk down the aisle draped in luxurious red this year!

For starters, you have to remember that your gown should be a personal reflection of your personality and spirit. If you have a quieter, laid back personality you may not carry off a solid red dress as well as someone who has a very loud, outgoing personality. Don't force the solid red if you can't carry it off beautifully.

So, does that mean the more reserved cannot have a red wedding? Of course not! You should consider going with white or ivory with red details and accents, rather than a solid red dress. This will tailor the dress to your personality while sticking nicely with the red theme.

Remember, you have to carry your dress very well if you are to be the knockout you dream of being! A solid bright red dress is rather hard to carry well without a big personality.

Secondly, you want to make sure that the quality of your red gown is very high. While a white or ivory dress can be purchased with lower priced materials and look simply stunning, this isn't always true with red. The wrong materials or shade of color can give it a very unflattering look.

You don't want to fall into the trap of a red dress that looks cheap, even it was! This means selecting higher quality materials and going with a deeper colored rosy red rather than something that looks like it came right out of the crayon box.

The last mistake to avoid is going way overboard with too much red. The most stunning weddings are created when the red is well balanced with other colors, both in the wedding party's outfits and in the surrounding decorations. You don't want literally everything in sight to be plain red.

One really nice combination is for the bride to wear a solid white gown while the groom dresses in a bright white tuxedo with touches of red and/or another accent color. The bridesmaids can also be used as accent colors to the bride's gown.

Some of the best colors to coordinate with a red wedding are particular shades of pink, chocolate, ivory, or bright white.

There are many other mistakes you can make with planning your red wedding, but most of the others could be made regardless of the color of your dress. If you can carry off a red wedding, you absolutely should go for it! This is one of the most exciting trends to come around in quite some time. - 30299

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