Please Tell Me How I Can Get My Ex Husband to Come Back To Me

By Cortney Flowers

Do you still have strong feelings for your ex husband? Do you want him back? Perhaps you have tried everything you know to get your ex husband to come back to you. If you have not succeeded, then you need to read through this article. You will gain some insight into what it takes to get your ex husband to come back to you.

Things that will help you keep some perspective are: First of all be aware that your relationship with your ex husband has gone through a transformation. Next, if you have been consumed with grief, then you have probably neglected to take good care of yourself, you need to begin to take better care of yourself. Lastly, always remember that neither your ex nor anyone else has control over you.

What must you do next?

The first thing that you must do in order to get the ball rolling in your favor, is to completely stop all contact with your ex husband. Ouch! you might say, especially if you feel like you need to constantly be checking up on him. Don't worry, it isn't forever, just for a month. This behavior is indicative that you are desperate, which is not attractive to your ex. By backing off for a while, it will allow both you and your ex some much needed space. As you continue to avoid any contact with your ex, it will get easier and easier as each day passes. This first step is very powerful.

The reason that you want to stop all contact with your ex husband is because both you and him have become used to this behavior of yours. Your ex has gotten used to hearing from you on a regular basis and it leaves him with no motivation to have to seek you out. By not having any contact with him, now he has a reason to wonder where you are or what you are doing and why you haven't called. So you see, the table will begin to turn and this will give him a chance to contemplate your whereabouts.

One of the most important thing that you have probably let go of is your well being. If you are constantly thinking about your ex husband, then when do you have time to think about yourself? Now that you are focused on not having any contact with your ex for a while, turn your attention to yourself. Start by taking better care of both your physical and emotional health. Choose to eat healthy, get some exercise and do things that please you.

You may be asking yourself what you should do now that your daily or weekly routine will not include interacting with your ex. This is a great opportunity to get social. Start by contacting good friends and family. Get out. Do things you enjoy or used to enjoy. Make sure you choose people who make you happy. Avoid chronic complainers, or you might go down that slippery slope and start getting depressed about your ex all over again. Make sure you do things with people who energize you and not bring you down.

As time passes, you will realize that you can handle this time and space without your ex in it. You will also gain confidence in knowing that you have accomplished one of the hardest things; to be strong even when it was very very hard not to call your ex. This is control over not your ex, but yourself. Once you gain self control, you are unstoppable. You know that nothing is impossible to achieve. Your confidence will shine through. This kind of confidence is very attractive.

Now that you understand the importance of taking back control of your life, you can begin to approach getting your ex husband back in a whole new way. Remember that by stopping any contact with your ex for awhile and taking care of yourself, you will give your ex something to think about and now he will have a chance to miss you. - 30299

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